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About Vioseb

Vioseb is a small but highly focused research organization that specializes in just one particular thing – seborrheic dermatitis. For over a decade, our clinical exploration involved relying on cutting edge research to develop an advanced therapy no other product can match.

From very early on, we had discovered that the disease model which all treatments were being based on was not only wrong, it was incomplete. In order to develop a more comprehensive seborrheic dermatitis therapy, we didn’t just dive deep into conventional sources of clinical data, we went wide. Our team harnessed breakthrough discoveries made by Ayurveda, Brazilian Folk Medicine, Traditional Persian Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Kampo Medicine.

This yielded some incredible insights into unique therapeutic strategies for treating seborrheic dermatitis. We even shared these findings openly and emphasized the importance of addressing previously ignored problems.

For example, we discovered that seborrheic dermatitis treatments needed to incorporate multiple new targets such as…

All 10 commonly pathogenic strains of Malassezia The Filobasidum Floriforme fungus

Bacterial strains such as Acinetobacter, Streptococcus and Staphylococcus

Demodex parasite coinfections

The extremely resistant biofilms that pathogenic fungi and bacteria used to evade treatments

We even utilized modern techniques to further enhance the effectiveness of known therapeutic compounds, such as ozonating our MCT oil to improve its ability to disrupt pathogenic biofilms.

The final fruit of our decade-long endeavor was a therapy that was as resilient as seborrheic dermatitis was stubborn. It not only targeted the condition from both the inside and outside, it was the first therapy ever to address all 20 critical goals of effective seborrheic dermatitis treatment.

The biggest benefit of us being a research organization with such a narrow focus was that our therapy constantly could evolve based on new clinical findings. This means no matter when you try our products, you are getting the most advanced treatment for seborrheic dermatitis at the time on the planet.

At Vioseb, we are proud of the fact that our products are backed by an extraordinary customer service team and an industry- defining money back guarantee.

We invite you to try our products risk-free today and see for yourself what incredible things are possible when genuine intentions meet hard work and good science.