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How Vioseb Works

Vioseb -The first and only triple-action therapy that addresses all 20 critical treatment goals for complete, long-term seborrheic dermatitis relief.

  • Never be embarrassed of your condition again
  • No more flaky skin, red patches or annoying irritation
  • Finally break-free from the cycle of constant flareups
  • Find permanent soothing relief and healthy skin that looks flawless
  • Starts working right away and gives you immediately noticeable results
  • No goopy creams or overly aggressive washes that leave your skin dry
  • No more hair loss and skin aging from the c onstant skin inflammation
  • Protect yourself from all the serious complications of seborrheic dermatitis
Healing from the inside
The Face/

Use the shampoo for scalp, eyebrows, beards and moustache

Use the wash for face, ears, chest and back

The Leave-In

Use the shampoo for scalp, eyebrows, beards and moustache

Use the wash for face, ears, chest and back

Immune &
Gut Rebalancing

An advanced nutraceutical supplement that reverses immune system hyperactivity and gut dysfunction that have recently been implicated as major causes of seborrheic dermatitis.

5 minutes a day. 3 advanced products. 1 simple therapy. Complete Freedom From Seborrheic Dermatitis.

Here’s how Vioseb therapy works…

1. Vioseb softens and clears all plaques and flakes from your face, scalp, ears, chest and back
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Pala Indigo Extract, Ringworm Shrub Extract and Neem Extract This triple blend helps soften your seborrheic dermatitis plaques Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Willow Bark Extract Loosens scales and plaques away from your skin Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Aloe Vera Extract Decreases skin scaling Clinical Proof
Face/Body Wash and Shampoo Salicylic Acid and Sulfur Wash away loosened plaques, scales and dandruff from your skin Clinical Proof
2. It stops flareups by blocking the allergy-like response in your skin, quickly reducing the inflammation and soothing your irritated tissue
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner 3% German Chamomile Oil Corrects the TH1/TH2 imbalance in your skin, lowers the histamine release by the mast cells in your skin and prevents the histamine from binding to its receptor Clinical Proof
Face/Body Wash and Shampoo Sage Extract Contains active ingredient called ursolic acid that helps reduce your skin’s sensitivity to irritants Clinical Proof
3. It quickly reduces the inflammation in your skin and soothes your irritated lesions
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Aloe Vera Extract Soothes skin irritation Clinical Proof
Face/Body Wash and Shampoo Dual combination of Rose Petals Extract and Green Tea Extract (EGCG) Lower skin inflammation and redness during seborrheic dermatitis flareups Clinical Proof
4. It deep cleanses the sebum off your skin
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Willow Bark Extract Has a lasting degreasing effect on the skin without the reactive irritation commonly seen with sebum removing products Clinical Proof
Face/Body Wash and Shampoo Sage Extract This ingredient acts as an astringent because of its high tannin content Clinical Proof
Face/Body Wash and Shampoo Salicylic Acid 3% As an oil soluble beta Hydroxy acid (BHA), this ingredient can get deep into the skin and cleanse out excess sebum without compromising the epidermal barrier Clinical Proof
5. It reduces your sebaceous gland (oil gland) activity
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Face/Body Wash and Shampoo Combination of Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil and Cornmint Essential Oil Has an inhibitory effect on sebum lipid synthesis from primary sebocytes (your sebum producing cells) Clinical Proof
Face/Body Wash and Shampoo Green Tea Extract (EGCG) This compound helps decrease the size and activity of your sebaceous glands (oil glands) Clinical Proof
6. It normalizes the cellular turnover in your skin so that it stops flaking
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Serratula Coronata Extract Active compounds in this ingredient known as phytoecdysteroids help normalize keratinocyte differentiation Clinical Proof
7. It clears all all 10 major strains of Malassezia on your skin
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Cumin Essential Oil Clears M. Globosa strain of Malassezia Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Japanese Chestnut Shell and Licorice Extract Clear M.Restricta strain of Malassezia Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Citrullus Colocynthis Extract Clears M. Sloofiae strain of Malassezia Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Neem Extract Clears M. Sympodialis strain of Malassezia Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Bamboo Oil Clears M. Dermatis strain of Malassezia Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Bamboo Oil Clears M. Furfur strain of Malassezia Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Cumin Essential Oil Clears M. Obtusa strain of Malassezia Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Neem Extract Clears M. Ovalis strain of Malassezia Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Lemongrass Essential Oil Clears M. Pachydermis strain of Malassezia Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Rose Essential Oil Clears M. Japonica strain of Malassezia Clinical Proof
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Echinacea Extract This ingredient is known for being effective against basidiomyecete yeasts of which Filabasidium Floriforme is one. Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Curcumin Helps clear Acinetobacter on your skin Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Curcumin Helps clear Streptococcus on your skin Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Combination of Curcumin and Cinnamon Essential Oil This combination helps clear Staphylococcus on your skin Clinical Proof
9. It helps reestablish all 4 critical barriers of your skin – the moisture barrier, the pH barrier, the flora barrier, the physical barrier
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Hyaluronic Acid Helps reestablish the moisture barrier of your skin Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Apple Cider Vinegar Helps restore the skin’s acid mantle barrier Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Ozonated Medium Chain Triglycerides Oil (MCT Oil) Topical ozone therapy has not just shown to clear pathogenic fungi, it also reestablishes microbiome (bacterial) and mycobiome (fungal) diversity on the skin Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Serratula Coronata Extract Helps restore your skin’s physical corneocyte barrier Clinical Proof
10. It helps reverse hair thinning, hair loss and premature hair greying caused by seborrheic dermatitis
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Red Clover Extract This ingredient contains an active compound known as biochanin-A that promotes hair growth by inhibiting an enzyme known as 5-α-reductase Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Horsetail Extract This ingredient is rich in silicon which has the ability to penetrate and strengthen hair follicles. This prevents hair loss and improves hair thickness. Clinical Proof
Face/Body Wash and Shampoo Onion Juice Has a hair fortifying effect that promotes hair growth by stimulating blood circulation in the scalp. It’s rich sulfur content also boosts catalase which helps prevent premature hair greying by breaking down hydrogen peroxide in your hair follicles Clinical Proof
11. It helps clear demodex parasite infestations on your skin
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Face/Body Wash and Shampoo Neem Oil An active compound in this oil, known as Azadirachtin, interferes with the hormone system of parasitic skin mites and prevents their ability to feed and grow Clinical Proof
Face/Body Wash and Shampoo Tea Tree Oil Works in synergy with Neem oil to ensure that any possible demodex infestation is cleared quickly and effectively Clinical Proof
12. It hydrates your skin without heavily relying on saturated fatty acids that feed your skin fungus
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Ozonated MCT Oil This is one of the main ingredients in the Vioseb formula because not only does it have excellent moisturizing properties,the medium chain triglycerides effectively inhibit the Malassezia yeast Clinical Proof
13. It effectively overcomes the biofilms used by yeast and bacteria to resist most treatments
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Lotion and Leave-In Conditioner Ozonated MCT Oil Vioseb uses topical to breakdown yeast and bacterial biofilms by blocking their enzymatic function and disrupting their cell membranes/cell walls Clinical Proof
14. It helps reverse the immune system imbalance (TH2 dominance) inside your body
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement Bilberry Active compounds called anthocyanins help improve the TH1/TH2 ratio to reduce TH2 dominance of the immune system. Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement Quercetin This remarkable flavonoid has shown to regulate TH1/TH2 balance and curb the allergy-like immune response seen during seborrheic dermatitis Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement Astragalus This ingredient works by stimulating the TH1 cell types to bring TH2 back into equilibrium Clinical Proof
15. It helps address the cellular defect found in the skin cells of seborrheic dermatitis sufferers
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement L-Histidine The skin cell defect behind seborrheic dermatitis seems to be caused by a filaggrin deficiency. This amino acid addresses this issue by feeding the filaggrin in your skin Clinical Proof
16. It helps reverse gut dysbiosis commonly found in seborrheic dermatitis sufferers
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement Lactobacillus Paracasei ST-11 This probiotic has shown to induce faster skin barrier recovery, modulate skin immune system, lower skin sensitivity and reduce dandruff Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement Lactobacillus Salivarius + Bifidobacterium breve The combination of these two probiotics has shown to modulate the TH1/TH2 balance in a way that benefits seborrheic dermatitis sufferers Clinical Proof
17. It helps reverse the intestinal barrier dysfunction often seen during seborrheic dermatitis
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement Quercetin Has shown to enhance intestinal barrier function by reducing gut inflammation and by repairing gut injuries more rapidly Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement Ginkgo Biloba Extract Protects the intestinal mucosa by reducing neutrophil infiltration and lipid peroxidation Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement L-Glutamine Maintains gut mucosal wall integrity Clinical Proof
18.It provides your body with potent antioxidant/anticancer protection
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement Turmeric Has shown to have remarkable antioxidant and anti-cancer activity against cancer cells of the blood, skin, oral cavity, lung, pancreas and intestinal tract Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement Lycopene An antioxidant carotenoid that has shown to have potent anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activity Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement Green Tea Extract (EGCG) Has shown to scavenge cancer-causing free radicals and inhibit tumorigenesis, cancer cell proliferation and angiogenesis Clinical Proof
19. It protects you against stress, anxiety and depression that frequently act as triggers for flareups
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement Ashwagandha An adaptogenic herb that has shown to relieve stress and anxiety while also improving the quality of your sleep Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement Purple Passionflower Effective in treating restlessness, nervousness and anxiety Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement Rhodiola Rosea Has shown to provide clinically meaningful reductions in depressive symptoms Clinical Proof
20. It helps reduce the low-level body-wide inflammation responsible for inflammaging
Product Active Ingredient Action Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement Andrographis Inhibits inflammatory cytokines by suppressing the NF-κB/MAPK signaling pathway Clinical Proof
Immune and Gut Rebalancing Supplement Curcumin Targets inflammaging, particularly neuro-inflammaging and age-related diseases through multiple pathways Clinical Proof

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